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VoCC: An r package for calculating the velocity of climate change and related climatic metrics
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Palaeoproteomic identification of breast milk protein residues from the archaeological skeletal remains of a neonatal dog.
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The influence of economic specialization on the dynamics of anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases in Yakutia
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Usability of water surface reflectance for the determination of riverine dissolved methane during extreme flooding in northeastern Siberia
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Discovery of Rhizopogon associated with Larix from northeastern Siberia: Insights into host shift of ectomycorrhizal fungi
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Strong and stable relationships between tree-ring parameters and forest-level carbon fluxes in a Siberian larch forest
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南パタゴニア氷原Pio XI 氷河の近年の流動速度と末端位置の変化
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Northern Sea Route (NSR) as a Major Transport Route: Opportunities and Challenges
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