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Succession of litter-decomposing microbial organisms in deciduous birch and oak forests, northern Japan
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Memory effects of Eurasian land processes cause enhanced cooling in response to sea ice loss.
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Ontogenetic vertical migration of the mesopelagic carnivorous copepod Paraeuchaeta spp. is related to their increase in body mass
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Constraining the geothermal heat flux in Greenland at regions of radar-detected basal water
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Landfast ice controls on sea-ice production in the Cape Darnley Polynya: A case study
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Photographic records of plant phenology and spring river flush timing in a river lowland ecosystem at the taiga–tundra boundary, north-eastern Siberia.
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A leg-hold noose capture method for Brent Geese Branta bernicla at staging or wintering sites
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Late Miocene changes in C3, C4, and aquatic plant vegetation in the Indus River basin: evidence from leaf wax δ13C from Indus Fan sediments
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Enhanced Iron flux to Antarctic Sea Ice via Dust Deposition from Ice-free Coastal Areas.
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