Port State Responses to COVID-19 on Cruise Ship between Human rights and the Law of the Sea
Stefan Kirchner, Juha Saunavaara (Assistant Professor, HU ARC), Masato Tanaka (Professor, HU ARC), Natsuhiko Otsuka (Professor, HU ARC), Timo Koivurova and Pirjo Kleemola-Juntunen, Governing the Crisis: Law, Human Rights and COVID-19, LIT Verlag, 249-264. (2021/3)
Diet of the Kuril Ainu as evidenced from charred materials adhering to ceramic surfaces
Takase, K. Diet of the Kuril Ainu as evidenced from charred materials adhering to ceramic surfaces. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, 15, 37-58. (2020/3/31)
https://doi.org/10.14943/jgsl.15.37 -
高瀬克範, 岡本洋. レプリカ法による縄文・弥生土器の検討. 青森県立郷土館研究紀要, 第44号, 21-24. (2020/3/27)
高瀬克範. 続縄文文化における剥片石器の利用法―札幌市内から出土した有茎スクレイパー以外の器種の使用痕分析―. 丘珠縄文遺跡年報, (2), 33-44. (2020/3/27)
Paradoxes and Prospects of Repatriation to the Ainu: Historical Background, Contemporary Struggles, and Visions for the Future
Tsuyoshi Hirata, Ryūkichi Ogawa, Yuji Shimizu, Tsugio Kuzuno and Jeff Gayman. Paradoxes and Prospects of Repatriation to the Ainu: Historical Background, Contemporary Struggles, and Visions for the Future. The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew, 200-220. (2020/3/25)
The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew.
Jeffry Joseph Gayman, Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew., Routledge, ISBN:9781138303584, (2020/3/25)
Paradoxes and Prospects of Repatriation to the Ainu: Historical Background, Contemporary Struggles, and Visions for the Future
Tsuyoshi Hirata, Ryūkichi Ogawa, Yuji Shimizu, Tsugio Kuzuno and Jeff Gayman. Paradoxes and Prospects of Repatriation to the Ainu: Historical Background, Contemporary Struggles, and Visions for the Future. The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew, 200-220. (2020/3/25)
田畑伸一郎・後藤正憲編著, 北極の人間と社会-持続的発展の可能性, スラブ・ユーラシア叢書14, 北海道大学出版会. ISBN978-4-8329-6856-1 (2020/3/10)
北極の人間と社会 ――持続的発展の可能性(第10章開発と先住民族)
高橋美野梨. 北極の人間と社会 ――持続的発展の可能性(第10章開発と先住民族). スラブ・ユーラシア叢書14, 261-282, 北海道大学出版会. (2020/3/10)
ISBN:978-4-8329-6856-1 -
大西富士夫. 北極の人間と社会:持続的発展の可能性(第7章国際関係)(田畑伸一郎、後藤正憲 編),スラブ・ユーラシア叢書14, 185-204, 北海道大学出版会. (2020/3/10)