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Sound of Condolence in Nivkh Traditional Music
Tangiku, Itsuji and Shinohara-Tangiku Chika. Sound of Condolence in Nivkh Traditional Music. SIMP Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Ppularis (New Series), 6, 291-300. (2019/12/1)
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Autonomy and military bases: USAF Thule Base in Greenland as the study case
Takahashi, M., Kawana, S., Saitou, K., Koizumi, Y., Hateruma, S., Shimizu, A. Autonomy and military bases: USAF Thule Base in Greenland as the study case. Arctic Yearbook 2019, 1-15. (2019/11/12)
A leg-hold noose capture method for Brent Geese Branta bernicla at staging or wintering sites
Sawa, Y., Tamura, C., Ikeuchi, T., Fujii, K., Ishioroshi, A., Shimada, T., Ward, D. A leg-hold noose capture method for Brent Geese Branta bernicla at staging or wintering sites. Wildfowl, 69. 230-241. (2019/11/1)
Вечная мерзлота и культура: Глобальное потепление и Республика Саха (Якутия), Российская Федерация (Permafrost and Culture: Global Warming and Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation)
Minori Takahashi, Вечная мерзлота и культура: Глобальное потепление и Республика Саха (Якутия), Российская Федерация (Permafrost and Culture: Global Warming and Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation), Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, ISBN:9784908203183, (2019/10/31)
глава 12, Арктика и Азия
Shi-Ichiro Tabata and Natsuhiko Otsuka.(2019). “глава 12, Арктика и Азия”. Hiroki Takakura edited. “Вечная мерзлота и культура, —Глобальное потепление и Республика Саха (Якутия), Российская Федерация—, (Учебное пособие для экологического образования) (Teaching Materials for Environmental Education: Permafrost and Indigenous/Northern Societies in Arctic Region)”, pp.60-63. ISBN:978-4-908203-18-3, (20191001)
Palaeoproteomic identification of breast milk protein residues from the archaeological skeletal remains of a neonatal dog.
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