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The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew
Jeffry Gayman, The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew, Routledge
Arctic Connect Project and cyber security control, ARCY
Fujio Ohnishi, Arctic Connect Project and cyber security control, ARCY, 2019
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The occurrence and temporal change in habitat of the Kuril Ainu: perspectives from archaeology
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llustrated Catalogue of Archaeological Materials from Kamchatka in T. M. Dikova Collection Preserved in the North-Eastern Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (NEISRI FEB RAS), Magadan, Russia
Illustrated Catalogue of Archaeological Materials from Kamchatka in T. M. Dikova Collection Preserved in the North-Eastern Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (NEISRI FEB RAS), Magadan, Russia, Katsunori Takase and Aleksander I. Lebedintsev (担当:共著, 範囲:Chapter 2-7)
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