ARC Monthly Seminar(10月)を10/17(火)に関係者で開催いたしました。
日時 | 2023年10月17日(火)15:00-16:45 |
開催形式 | オンライン | 参加者 | 15名 |
講師1: Ramesh Glückler(北海道大学地球環境科学院,アルフレッド・ウェゲナー研究所,ポツダム大学) Presentation Title: Long-term wildfire activity in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Siberia Abstract: Boreal eastern Siberia represents unique environments, characterized by complex interactions of climatic extremes, forest dynamics, permafrost, and diverse human livelihoods. Wildfires are the most important natural disturbance here, shaping the larch-dominated forests. However, recent years have seen extreme wildfire seasons, with vast areas burned in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). With projections pointing towards a continued intensification of wildfire seasons, this raises questions concerning a safe human operating space, permafrost stability, and larch forest resilience when faced with long-term fire regime changes. Despite recent advances, eastern Siberia is still poorly covered by studies of long-term fire activity and fire regime changes, limiting the ability to find answers to those questions. This presentation will first provide a general introduction to the ecology of wildfires in boreal larch forests. The rationale behind long-term reconstructions of past wildfire activity will be discussed before presenting a new paleoecological dataset on wildfire activity throughout the past five millennia in Central Yakutia, obtained from sediment cores of nine different lakes. The reconstructions are based on macroscopic charcoal and, for the first time in this region, expanded by extraction and measurement of BPCAs (benzene polycarboxylic acids) for the purpose of estimating complete pyrogenic carbon content and fire intensity changes. Study sites are spread across c. 700 km from Yakutsk to Oymyakon and feature a variety of lake settings, from thermokarst to glacial lakes, remote to urban locations, and low to high elevation. This new data triples the number of existing charcoal records in Yakutia and will lead to a better representation of eastern Siberia in global synthesis studies. |
講師2: 宮本裕美子(信州大学) Presentation Title: Symbiotic fungal communities on larch in the tundra-forest ecotones of eastern Siberia |
講師3: 鄭峻介(森林総合研究所) Presentation Title: Responses of tree radial growth to climate changes in central Siberia deduced from dendro-ecological approach |