
The First Asia-Arctic Conference of Asia-Arctic Network for Research and Education

  • 2025.1.10

HAI-FES project of the Arctic Research Center (ARC), Hokkaido University is pleased to announce the First Asia-Arctic Conference (AAC) of Asia-Arctic Network for Research and Education (AANRE), which is a network established by the ARC with institutions that have signed Memorandum of Understand (MoU) with the ARC. The AAC will contain two keynote speeches, Signer institution’s Arctic research activities, and panel discussions on research and education. There will be 5 sessions of natural and social science, and engineering, followed by the special session for the introduction of Taiwanese Polar research activities.


Date February 13 (Thursday)& 14(Friday), 2025
Venue FMI, Hokkaido University
Format Hybrid (In person and Online participation)
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Program (Tentative as of Jan. 10, 2025)

February 13 (Thursday)

9:00-9:05 Welcome remarks
Aya Takahashi, Executive Vice-President, HU
9:05-9:20 Explanation of the conference including introduction of HAI-FES activities
Shotaro Uto, ARC, HU
9:20-12:00 Arctic research activities and plan
9:20-9:40 “Rapid Arctic change: International Arctic Research Center collaborations”
Hajo Eicken, IARC, UAF
9:40-10:00 “TaiPI: A research and education platform to bridge scientific knowledge and global warming actions”
Chuen-Fa Ni, TaiPI, NCU
10:00-10:20 “Observing the Arctic Ocean- challenges and technologies”
Stein Sandven, NERSC
10:20-10:40 Asia meets the Arctic: Perspective planning and Korea view
Seong-Joong Kim, KOPRI
10:40-11:00 Break
11:00-11:20 “AAU Arctic-fostering and supporting responsible collaboration in Arctic research”
Carina Ren, AAU Arctic, Aalborg Univ. (video presentation)
11:20-11:40 “We know the Arctic – Arctic Centre, university of Lapland, Finland”
Johanna Ikävalko, AC, Univ. Lapland
11:40-12:00 “Arctic research at Nord University”
Kjell Stokvik, CHNL, Nord U.
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Keynote Speech1 MC: Juha Saunavaara, ARC, HU
“Introduction of UArctic and Collaboration with Asian Universities”
Outi Snellman, UArctic
14:00-14:30 Break
14:30-16:00 Session1: Panel Discussion on “Education and Capacity Building”
Chair: Juha Saunavaara, ARC, HU
Panelist: 7 MoU signers; Outi Snellman, Uarctic; Shin Sugiyama, ILTS, HU
16:00-17:30 Session2 “Polar science reconsidered” Chair: Fujio Ohnishi, ARC, HU
Arctic Science amidst Geopolitical tensions – A Historical Perspective
Urban Wråkberg UiT
“Exploration, Observation and Pollution: Academic Communities shaping the representation of the Arctic in the National Diet”
Fujio Ohnishi, ARC, HU and Artem Suslov, GSHHS, HU
“Russia’s Arctic policy and research: History and prospects after the invasion of Ukraine”
Marina Lomaeva (Nitobe College, IAHE, HU)
17:30-17:40 Closing of 1st day
18:00- Networking dinner

February 14 (Friday)

12:30-14:00Session4 “Arctic-Mid-latitudes linkage: climate change and extreme weather”
Chair: Teppei J. Yasunari, ARC, HU

09:15-10:00 Keynote speech2 MC: Takafumi Hirata, ARC, HU
“Future Earth and regional-global relationship” Makoto Taniguchi, RIHN
10:00-11:30 Session3 “Ecosystem linkages across regions” Chair: Takafumi Hirata, ARC, HU
“Grand challenges and opportunities in the Pacific Arctic” Hajo Eicken, IARC, UAF
“Looking into the Central Arctic Ocean: Science upheld by international instruments” Hyoung-Chul Shin, KOPRI
“From tropicalization to borealization: socio-ecological implications of species range shifts under climate change.” Jorge Garcia Molinos, ARC, HU
11:30-12:30 Lunch at Open Café
12:30-14:00 Arctic warming amplification and bidirectional ‘communication’ with the middle latitudes” Masakazu Yoshimori, AORI, U. Tokyo
“Extreme heat events over northern Eurasia and their remote impacts on East Asian weather” Tomonori Sato, GSES, HU
“The Impact of Aerosols and Solar Radiation on Arctic Warming” Sheng-Hsiang (Carlo) Wang, NCU, Taiwan
14:00-15:30 Session5 “Arctic Shipping, A Bridge between Arctic and Asia”
Chair: Natsuhiko Otsuka, ARC, HU
“Current traffic/activities on the Northern sea route” Kjell Stokvik, CHNL, Nord U.
“Japan’s passage toward the Arctic shipping since INSROP to date” Natsuhiko Otsuka, ARC, HU
Arctic Shipping after the Ukraine War: A Korean Perspective” Sungwon Hong, Youngsan U.
“Global Gas Market at present and Role of Arctic Resources for Japan~Challenges and Opportunities After the Russian Ukraine War~” Daisuke Harada, JOGMEC
15:30-15:45 Break
15:45-18:00 Special session for Emerging Arctic Studies in Taiwan
MC: Yuji Kodama, ARC, HU
“The ‘Sending Millet to the Arctic’ Initiative: Promoting Polar Research and Climate Change Support in Taiwan” Hwa Chien, TaiPI, NCU
“Imaging the Changes in Arctic Permafrost in Kaffiorya Area of Svalbard, with Borehole Measurements, Electrical Resistivity Methods, and Ground Penetrating Radar” Ping-Yu Chang, TaiPI, NCU
“Advancing Arctic Research: UAV Mapping and Geological Insights in Svalbard and the Role of Taiwan’s Arctic Station in Earth Sciences” Slawomir Jacek Giletycz, TaiPI, NCU
“The weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex as consequences to Arctic sea-ice loss – the modulations of background mean state and model dependence” Yu-Chiao Liang, Dept. of Atmo. Sci., NTU
“Modeling vertical atmospheric couplings with WRF and evaluating satellite observations” Chieh-Ying Ke, TaiPI, NCU
“Variation in the cold stress in Arctic Intertidal Assemblages” Benny K.K. Chan, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
“Nonlinear flexural-gravity wave in Arctic sea” Hung-Chu Hsu, National Sun Yat-sen U.
“TaiPI Data Repository: A Taiwan-based polar data infrastructure built for open science” Whyjay Zheng, TaiPI, NCU
“The characteristics of vertical radiosonde profile from Taiwan to north latitude” Po-Hsiung Lin, Dept. of Atmo. Sci., NTU
18:00-18:10 Closing

Pre-Registration Required

Registration Form:
Deadline Tuesday Feb. 11, 2025
You may find the form using the QR code right.

Additional Information

Language English (no interpretation)
Participation Open to all, Free of charge, Advance registration required
Organizer Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University
Support Future Earth Japan Committee