

  • 2022.10.11

2022年9月23日から10月2日まで大韓民国・釜山市ホテルパラダイス釜山で開催されていた第31回PICES(北太平洋海洋研究機構)年次総会で、当センターのAlabia博士研究員、大西准教授、齊藤研究推進支援教授が下記の研究発表をおこないました。なお、齊藤研究推進支援教授はワークショップW2 (Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) to understand the present and future of the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) and Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas (NBS-CS))の共同コンビーナーを務めました。


Workshop 2 (September 25)
(W2-15520) (Invited)
Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, and Martine van den Heuvel-Greve
Activities of the ICES-PICES-PAME working group on Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the Central Arctic Ocean (WGICA)

Irene D. Alabia, Jorge Garcia Molinos, Takafumi Hirata, Franz J. Mueter, and Carmen L. David
Arctic marine biodiversity and species co-occurrence patterns under recent climate

Fujio Ohnishi, Akiko Mohri, and Yukie Uwaso
The development of Japan’s Arctic Policy and the citizens’ awareness

FIS Contributed Paper Session (September 30)
Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, Takafumi Hirata, Irene D. Alabia and Fumihiro Takahashi
Application of multiple satellite datasets to sustainable use of salmon resource under changing climate

Shintaro Ohno, Hiroto Abe, Hiromichi Igarashi and Sei-Ichi Saitoh
A comparison study for behavior of Japanese and Chinese neon flying squid vessel in the North Pacific using Automatic Identification System

PICES 2022: