Research result
Applications of satellite remote sensing technology to the analysis of phytoplankton community structure on large scales
Astrid Brachera,b, Robert J.W. Brewinc, Aurea M. Ciottid, Lesley A. Clementson, Takafumi Hirataf,g, Tihomir S. Kostadinovh, Colleen B. Mouwi, and Emanuele Organellij, Chapter 7 in Advances in Phytoplankton Ecology, Eds. L. Clementson, R. Eriksen and A. Wills, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxford-Cambridge (2021)
Port State Responses to COVID-19 on Cruise Ship between Human rights and the Law of the Sea
Stefan Kirchner, Juha Saunavaara (Assistant Professor, HU ARC), Masato Tanaka (Professor, HU ARC), Natsuhiko Otsuka (Professor, HU ARC), Timo Koivurova and Pirjo Kleemola-Juntunen, Governing the Crisis: Law, Human Rights and COVID-19, LIT Verlag, 249-264. (2021/3)
The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew.
Jeffry Joseph Gayman, Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew., Routledge, ISBN:9781138303584, (2020/3/25)
Color and Light in the Ocean
Takafumi Hirata, Color and Light in the Ocean, Frontiers, (2020/3/1)
Native Nations: The Survival of Indigenous Peoples, 3rd Edition
Jeffry Joseph Gayman, Native Nations: The Survival of Indigenous Peoples, 3rd Edition, J.Charlton Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-926476-29-2 (Paperback), ISBN: 978-1-926476-31-5 (EPUB)
, 2020/1/1 -
The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Global-Arctic Interactions: The Arctic Moves from Periphery to Center
Takahashi, M. PartII – The Future of Greenland: Political and Economic Implications for the Arctic – Commentary: An International Relations Perspective. KMI/EWC series on The Arctic in World Affairs, 114-119. (2019/12/31)
The Expected Impacts of Climate Change on the Ocean Economy
JORGE GARCIA MOLINOS, The Expected Impacts of Climate Change on the Ocean Economy, World Resources Institute, (2019/12/6)
Native Nations: The Survival of Indigenous Peoples, 3rd Edition
Natsuhiko Otsuka(2020). “Japan’s Arctic Policy and Observer Status in the Arctic Council”. Robert J. Corell, Jong Deog Kim, Yoon Hyung Kim, Arild Moe, Charles E. Morrison, David L. Vander Zwang and Oran R. Young Edited. “The Arctic in World Affairs, The North Pacific Conference Proceedings”. pp.358-368. Published by Korea Maritime Institute(Republic of Korea) and East West Center(U.S.A), (2019/12/1)
Вечная мерзлота и культура: Глобальное потепление и Республика Саха (Якутия), Российская Федерация (Permafrost and Culture: Global Warming and Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation)
Minori Takahashi, Вечная мерзлота и культура: Глобальное потепление и Республика Саха (Якутия), Российская Федерация (Permafrost and Culture: Global Warming and Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation), Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, ISBN:9784908203183, (2019/10/31)
глава 12, Арктика и Азия
Shi-Ichiro Tabata and Natsuhiko Otsuka.(2019). “глава 12, Арктика и Азия”. Hiroki Takakura edited. “Вечная мерзлота и культура, —Глобальное потепление и Республика Саха (Якутия), Российская Федерация—, (Учебное пособие для экологического образования) (Teaching Materials for Environmental Education: Permafrost and Indigenous/Northern Societies in Arctic Region)”, pp.60-63. ISBN:978-4-908203-18-3, (20191001)