Research result
Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
Precipitation Changes in a Climate With 2‐K Surface Warming From Large Ensemble Simulations Using 60‐km Global and 20‐km Regional Atmospheric Models
Fujita, M., R. Mizuta, M. Ishii, H. Endo, T. Sato, Y. Okada, S. Kawazoe, S. Sugimoto, K. Ishihara, and S. Watanabe, 2018: Precipitation changes in a climate with 2 K surface warming from large ensemble simulations using 60 km global and 20 km regional atmospheric models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45.
Decreasing number of propagating mesoscale convective systems in Bangladesh and surrounding area during 1998–2015
Habib, S. M. A., T. Sato*, and D. Hatsuzuka, 2019: Decreasing number of propagating mesoscale convective systems in Bangladesh and surrounding area during 1998-2015. Atmos. Sci. Lett., 2019;e879.
Towards understanding the global and regional climatic impacts of Modoki magnitude
Dogar M. M., F. Kucharski, T. Sato, S. Mehmood, S Ali, Z. Gong, D. Das, J. Arraut, 2019: Towards understanding the global and regional climatic impacts of Modoki magnitude. Global and Planetary Change, 172, 223-241.
Seabird densities and species and hydrographic features across Amchitka Pass, Aleutian Islands
Nishizawa B, Ohnishi H, Watanuki Y (2018) Seabird densities and species and hydrographic features across Amchitka Pass, Aleutian Islands. Fisheries Science.
Shifting boundaries of water, ice, flora, fauna, people, and institutions in the Arctic and Subarctic
Drinkwater, K., Mueter, F., Saitoh, S.-I., Shifting boundaries of water, ice, flora, fauna, people, and institutions in the Arctic and Subarctic, ICES Journal of Marine Science (2018), 75(7), 2293–2298. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy179
Chlorophyll‐a in Antarctic Landfast Sea Ice: A First Synthesis of Historical Ice Core Data
Meiners K. M, Vancoppenolle M, Carnat G, Castellani G, Delille B, Delille D, Dieckmann G.S., Flores H, Fripiat F, Grotti M, Lange B. A, Lannuzel D, Martin A, McMinn A, Nomura D, Peeken I, Rivaro P, Ryan K. G, Stefels J, Swadling K. M, Thomas D. N, Tison J.-L, van der Merwe P, van Leeuwe M. A, Weldrick C, E. J, Yang. Chlorophyll-a in Antarctic land-fast sea ice: a first synthesis of historical ice-core data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 123., 2018.12.20.
Analyses of Extreme Precipitation Associated with the Kinugawa River Flood in September 2015 Using a Large Ensemble Downscaling Experiment
Fujita, M., T. Sato, T. J. Yamada, S. Kawazoe, M. Nakano, and K. Ito, 2019: Analyses of extreme precipitation associated with the Kinugawa River flood in September 2015 using a large ensemble downscaling experiment. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 97, 387-401, DOI:
Analysis of Climate Trends and Leading Modes of Climate Variability for MENA Region
Dogar, M. M., and T. Sato, 2018: Analysis of climate trends and leading modes of climate variability for MENA region. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123, 13,074-13,091.
Horizontal and vertical distribution of the appendicularian community and population structure in the Bering and Chukchi Seas during the summer of 2007
Maekakuchi, M., Y. Abe, K. Matsuno, T. Hirawake and A. Yamaguchi (2018) Horizontal and vertical distribution of the appendicularian community and population structure in the Bering and Chukchi Seas during the summer of 2007. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 68: 43-49,
Gazelletta kashiwaensis sp. nov. (Medusettidae, Phaeodaria, Cercozoa), Its Morphology, Phylogeny, Distribution, and Feeding Behavior
Nakamura, Y., R. Somiya, M. Kanda, A. Yamaguchi, A. Tuji and R.S. Hori (2018) Gazelletta kashiwaensis sp. nov. (Medusettidae, Phaeodaria, Cercozoa), its morphology, phylogeny, distribution, and feeding behavior. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 65: 923-927,, 2018/11/02