News for 2021
Assistant Professor Yasunari visit Hakodate Research Center for Fisheries and Oceans to set up PM2.5 measurement system
Our first joint seminar between UAF International Arctic Research Center and our center will be held from 9 o’clock on 20 April. Please join us!
Ocean-bottom landers deployed offshore Hokkaido
New publication: Julie Babin and Juha Saunavaara (Assistant Professor, HU ARC), ”Hokkaido: From the “Road to the Northern Sea” to “Japan’s Gateway to the Arctic”, Asian Geographer.
Press release: a study of the subglacial discharge plume in Greenland
New paper about a subglacial discharge plume in Greenland
New publication: Ritva Kylli and Juha Saunavaara (Assistant Professor, HU ARC), ”Sámi and the early transport infrastructure in Finnish Lapland”, Barents Studies.
A new paper on telecommunication line infrastructure and the Arctic environment by Juha Saunavaara (Assistant Professor, HU ARC), Ritva Kylli and Mirva Salminen