News for 2020
The paper co-authored by our ARC Assistant Professor Jorge Garcia Molinos on climate warming threats to deep-ocean biodiversity has been selected to feature on the cover of the June issue of Nature Climate Change.
Listen to narwhal sounds and an interview with Evgeny Podolskiy at The Guardian podcast
ARC-led, narwhal paper by Podolskiy and Sugiyama went viral on the internet
AGU press release about our study of the legendary “Arctic unicorn” – the narwhal
Press release on Nature Climate Change by Assist. Prof. Jorge Garcia Molinos
A new paper about narwhal vocalizations and sounds of their habitat in Greenland was published in JGR-Ocean
Belmont Forum open Arctic I Collaborative Research Action End-term Valorization Video on YouTube
5th WGICA virtual workshop was held on April 27-29, 2020