News for 2020
Our adjunct faculty, Prof. Kay I. Ohshima has published a paper about sea-ice production in the Bering Sea in American Geophysical Union’s Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.
Our adjunct faculty, Prof. Kay I. Ohshima has published a paper about sea surface height variability in the Sea of Okhotsk in American Meteorological Society’s Journal of Physical Oceannography.
Our adjunct faculty members, Drs. Daiki Nomura, Daisuke Hirano and Toru Hirawake, and Prof. Kay I. Ohshima have published a paper about carbon behavior in ocean underneath a polynya off the Antarctica in Marine Chemistry.
Book chapter: Connecting the Arctic while installing submarine data cables between East Asia, North America and Europe
A new paper published in Polar Science and co-authored by Irene Alabia highlights the major findings from the ArCS project.
A new paper by Alabia et al. published in Science of the total environment reports the projected impacts of warming and sea-ice loss on future marine biodiversity in the Pacific Arctic.
A new paper on Arctic submarine fiber-optic cables was published in Geographical Review
“Scientific American” speaks to Dr. Podolskiy about capturing the sounds of narwhals in a glacier fjord.
European Commission’s Arctic programme “ECOTIP”, partnered with an ARC scientist, has kicked off.
A paper getting a new insight to a controversial ecological theory, co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Hirata, was published in an international journal Ecological Modelling.