
This project aims for collaboration of natural and social scientists by estimations of carbon budget of ecosystem and CO2 emission from cities and villages on permafrost in east Russian Arctic. Obtained scientific data is converted to useful data and shown for stake holders with an information on expected changes in natural and social systems, and we will paves a way for collaboration of scientists with society and policy makers to show the useful information to select future options for better lives of local people.
Carbon budget estimation will be made by Japan-Russia collaboration, and statistical analysis and field survey for cities and villages will be conducted by Russian team with cooperation of Japanese team. Observation of permafrost which has a great impact on carbon budget and human life will be conducted by USA team with Russian and Japanese teams.
Carbon budget or emission and its controlling factors will be obtained by collaboration between natural and social scientists, and knowledge will be shared with local people and local government through meetings and/or co-productive observation with school children. Results of our projects will be disseminated in society and reflected in policy by members of Russian team through the activities of various committees in municipal, district and/or republic levels.