Our colleagues from ARC-HU, Post-Doc Irene D. Alabia, and Research Professor Sei-Ichi Saitoh, gave the following oral presentations at the 32nd PICES Annual Meeting held in Westin Hotel Seattle, Seattle, USA, from October 20 to October 29, 2023. Research Professor Saitoh was a co-convener in WGICA Annual Meeting held in same PICES venue.
Oral presentations(Presenters are shown in blue, and Scientists of ARC-HU are shown in bold.):
Science Board Symposium: Connecting Science and Communities for Sustainable Seas
(S1-16663 Oral)
Irene D. Alabia, Jorge Garcia Molinos, Takafumi Hirata, Daiju Narita, and Toru Hirawake
Projected abundances of key fisheries in the Pacific Arctic under future climate: potential biological and economic implications
S13. Operational forecasts to improve recruitment prediction in fish stock assessments
(S1-16821 Oral)
Irene D. Alabia, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Takafumi Hirata, Yasuyuki Miyakoshi, Fumihiro Takahashi and Masahide Kaeriyama
Environmental conditions at Chum salmon feeding and wintering grounds: potential effects on survival at sea
FIS Contributed Paper Session
(FIS-P7 poster)
Hiromichi Igarashi, Hiroto Abe and Sei-Ichi Saitoh
Adaptive improvement of habitat suitability index (HSI) model for skipjack tuna in the western North Pacific using real-time ocean forecast and AIS vessel position data
PICES 2023: