The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is having a major impact on the world’s economy, industry, international politics, and science and technology. The special seminar was held on August 22 (13:00-17:00) as a hybrid of face-to-face and online sessions, with the aim of analyzing and discussing the situation based on lectures by experts in various fields, with a focus on the “Arctic”.
The seminar was hosted by Arctic Research Center and Slavic Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University and co-hosted by the Hokkaido University HAI-FES Project and research programs on International Relations, Human Society, and Arctic Sea Routes in ArCSII (Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II) Project.
Approximately 120 people attended the seminar, which consisted of two parts: Part I: Economy and Industry, and Part II: International Politics and Science, with lectures and Q&A sessions by seven speakers. The breakdown of registered participants was 29 from the private sector, 18 from public offices, 91 from research institutes, and 24 from others.
The materials of this seminar will be published as a booklet at a later date.
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Northern Sea Route
Report posted on the Hokkaido University website
Special seminar held on the Russia-Ukraine situation and the Arctic