
Report on 2nd HAI-FES Seminar (9:25-12:20 August 4, 2022)

The second HA-FES seminar was held on August 4, 2022 from 9:25-12:20. The seminar was organized by the Center for Arctic Research HAI-FES Project and co-sponsored by the Future Earth Consortium of Hokkaido University.
The seminar was originally planned to be held in a hybrid format, but in consideration of the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, it was suddenly changed to an online-only event. There were approximately 60 participants. For more information on the program and other details of this seminar, please see the following.

Photo: Facilitators and panelists at the panel discussion. Clockwise from top left: Fujio Ohnishi (facilitator), Tetsuzo Yasunari (panelist), Natsuhiko Otsuka (panelist), and Shiaki Kondo (panelist).