Mr. Simon Denyer, Bureau Chief of Japan and Korea, and Ms Akiko Kashiwagi, Reporter, The Washington Post, visited our center in order to cover on “changing climate effects for salmon”, which was presented by Emeritus Prof. Masahide Kaeriyama as a keynote presentation at the NPAFC-IYS Workshop on Salmon Ocean Ecology in a Changing Climate in Portland, 18-20th June, 2019 ( . Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) have been affected positively for northern populations including the Arctic Ocean, but negatively for southern populations (e.g., Japanese populations). The article will publish in this September.
Photo: Ms Akiko Kashiwagi (Reporter, Washington Post), Yasushi Fukamachi (Director, ARC-HU), Mr. Simon Denyer (Bureau Chief, Japan & Korea, Washington Post), Masahide Kaeriyama (Emeritus Prof., ARC-HU) from the left.