
International Symposium on Environment, Development and International Relations in the Arctic

  • 2017.12.13

International Symposium on Environment, Development and International Relations in the Arctic

Arctic Challenge for Sustainability (ArCS), People and Community in the Arctic: Possibility of Sustainable Development (Theme 7) co-organized a symposium “International Symposium on Environment, Development and International Relations in the Arctic” together with Hokkaido University Slavic-Eurasian Research Center and Arctic Research Center on December 11-12, 2017. The event was hold in the Hokkaido University Centennial Hall (Sapporo) and gathered approximately 70 participants, including foreign guests, for example, from Russia, Norway, Finland, Denmark and China, many Japanese researches and Mr. Keiji Ide Ambassador in Charge of Arctic Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

The symposium composed of three sessions. The first session (Recent Development of International Relations in the Arctic: Who Will Be the Key Game Maker in Coming Years?) approached the Arctic through the recent developments in the international relations. The second session (Frontier of economic Development: The case of Yamal Peninsula) paid a special attention to Yamal Peninsula and included three presentations approaching the economic development of the region from the perspective of extractive industries, reindeer herders and local indigenous people. The third session (Arctic Societies in Anthropocene: Biocultural Survival, Indigenous Knowledges, and Scientific Networks) concentrated on the human-animal-nature relations, multispecies ethnography and relations between indigenous knowledge and conventional scientific knowledge.

Session 1: Recent Development of International Relations in the Arctic: Who Will Be the Key Game Maker in Coming Years?
Session2: Frontier of Economic Development: The Case of Yamal Peninsula
Session 3: Arctic Societies in Anthropocene: Biocultural Survival, Indigenous Knowledges, and Scientific Networks
