The latest paper, “Comprehensive Impact of Changing Siberian Wildfire Severities on Air Quality, Climate, and Economy: MIROC5 Global Climate Model’s Sensitivity Assessments,” led by the research team of Associate Professor Teppei J. Yasunari (Arctic Research Center) in collaboration with The University of Tokyo and Kyushu University, has just been published in Earth’s Future. In the paper, they, for the first time, estimated the comprehensive impacts of increased atmospheric aerosols from the Siberian wildfires on air quality as PM2.5 changes and on climate as temperature changes under the present and near-future (2030) climate, and on those economic impacts. They estimated the increased premature mortality due to the increased PM2.5 due to the Siberian wildfires and their economic impacts. Also, the impacts of temperature changes due to the combination of climate scenarios and increased aerosols caused by the Siberian wildfires on the regional economy were estimated. They hope that their comprehensive estimates of the Siberian wildfire impacts will be helpful for taking measures against air pollution and related policy-making in the future.
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Hokkaido University >Research News >Research Press Release
Modeling broader effects of wildfires in Siberia
Yasunari, T. J., Narita, D., Takemura, T., Wakabayashi, S., & Takeshima, A. (2024). Comprehensive impact of changing Siberian wildfire severities on air quality, climate, and economy: MIROC5 global climate model’s sensitivity assessments. Earth’s Future, 12, e2023EF004129.