Date&Time | Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 15:30-16:20 |
Method | Online | Participant | 21 people |
Lecturer: Marina Lomaeva, specially appointed assistant professor (Nitobe College for Graduate Students, Hokkaido University) Presentation Title: Of fur seals and men : Evolution of human–wildlife relations, from depredation to coexistence. Abstract: The northern fur seal is a marine mammal with valuable fur who used to be hunted by indigenous inhabitants on the North Pacific coastal regions, and in the late 18th century became an object of commercial sealing, which caused a dramatic increase in its populations. Its conservation and management regime marked an important milestone in international wildlife protection and human–wildlife relations. The evolution of approaches to conservation and management of marine mammals is traced via this case study, from unregulated indiscriminate hunting (depredation) to species-specific, sex- and age-specific controlled hunting, to ecosystem-based management and transition to non-consumptive practices such as seal-watching. The attendant transformation of human attitude towards wildlife is also explored, along with changes in its legal status (from common property to common concern), values (from commodity to intrinsic) and the relatively recent trends of environmentalism and animal welfare protection. |