
Name Affiliation Role in Consortium
Sei-Ichi Saitoh Hokkaido University Arctic Research Center, Director I will be the overall leading PI and the Lead PI for the Japanese team and will coordinate synthesis efforts, attend workshops and participate in writing
Naomi Harada Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Research and Development (R&D) Center for Global Change, Deputy Director Making a generalization of research results of biogeochemical area
Takashi Kikuchi Japan Agency for Marine Earth-Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Arctic Ocean and Climate System Research Group, Group Leader Making a generalization of research results of physical oceanography and climate area
Toru Hirawake Hokkaido University Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Associate professor Making a generalization of research results of marine optics and satellite remote sensing area
Yutaka Watanuki Hokkaido University Faculty of Fisheries Sciences Professor Making a generalization of research results of marine ecology and seabird ecology area
Mitsutaku Makino Fisheries Research Agency, Japan National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Group Head Making a generalization of research results of Economics, Fisheries and Marine Policy Analysis area
Hiroki Takakura Tohoku University Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Professor Making a generalization of research results of Social Anthropology area
Franz Mueter University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Associate Professor of Fisheries I will be the Lead PI for the US team and will coordinate synthesis efforts, attend workshops and participate in writing
George Hunt University of Washington School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Associate Professor of Fisheries I will be helping with the syntheses, attending meetings, and will participate in the writing of the papers.
Henry Huntington Huntington Consulting I will be helping with the syntheses, attending meetings, and will participate in the writing of the papers.
Mike Sigler Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Marine Biologist I will be helping with the syntheses, attending meetings, and will participate in the writing of the papers.
Alan Haynie Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management Division, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Economist I will be helping with the syntheses, attending meetings, and will participate in the writing of the papers.
Kenneth Drinkwater Institute of Marine Research Senior Research Scientist I will be the Lead PI for the Norwegian team and will help coordinate synthesis efforts, attend workshops and participate in writing
Arne Eide University of Tromsø Norwegian College of Fishery Science, Professor Economics and fisheries management, attend meetings, and participate in syntheses
Alf Håkon Hoel Institute of Marine Research Tromsø Branch, Regional Director Fisheries management and institutional issues, attend workshops, and contribute to syntheses.
Randi Ingvaldsen Institute of Marine Research Senior Research Scientist Arctic Physical Oceanography and lead scientist of SI_ARCTIC project, attend meetings, participate in synthesis activities
Melissa Chierici Institute of Marine Research and Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard Senior Research Scientist Ocean acidification and marine biogeochemistry, attend workshops, contribute to syntheses
Benjamin Planque Institute of Marine Research, Tromsø Senior scientist Lead of the NFR-funded project on Barents Sea Ecosystem Resilience (BarEcoRe, 2010- 2013), attend workshops
Jan Erik Stiansen Institute of Marine Research Oceanography and Climate Group, Leader Lead on NordForsk CLIFFIMA Network, attend meetings, database applications, and participate in syntheses