Terrestrial Research Group

We study the terrestrial ecosystem in the Arctic region to explain its structure and influence on the global environment. We combine field surveys on the carbon water cycle and permafrost, with research on the dispersal and genetic diversity of large-sized mammals, fishes and plants, and their potential interactions with natural disasters. We also examine the volcanic activity and seismicity to understand their generation mechanisms in order to provide predictions.

Member List


Name Affiliated Post
Group Leader TSUYUZAKI Shiro Professor, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science
Group Sub Leader FURUYA Masato Professor, Faculty of Science
MASUDA Ryuichi Specially Appointed Professor, Faculty of Science
ISHIKAWA Mamoru Professor, Faculty of Science
HAYASAKA Hiroshi Researcher, Arctic Research Center
CHIKITA Kazuhisa Researcher, Arctic Research Center
KAWASAKI Masahiro Researcher, Arctic Research Center
IWAHANA Go Overseas Researcher, Arctic Research Center